A man came to a strange palace. He saw nobody but, before he left, he picked a rose for Beauty, his youngest daughter. Then he saw a terrible, angry beast. The Beast wanted one of the man's daughte…
Snow White's stepmother, the Queen, was jealous. Her magic mirror said that Snow White was more beautiful than the Queen. She told a huntsman to kill the girl, but he couldn't do it. Snow White wen…
A long time ago in China, some children are playing in a grass field. Suddenly a piece of the sky falls to the ground. Then another. And another. Soon the sky is full of holes. The children run to …
Emak menatap terus foto calon presiden yang terdapat di Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) saat Pemilihan Presiden. Ada perkataan emak yang membuatku terbang ke awan. Katanya Emak akan bangga kalau ada …
Barli, seorang anak panti berjuang keras untuk dapat melanjutkan sekolah ke SMP. Panti asuhan yang diharapkan bisa menjadi pelindung dan jembatan untuk mencapai cita-citanya malah seperti neraka. T…